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trend media


Principal and responsible for all content

Moarhof Gufidaun

Karl Vorhauser
Gudon 19
39043 Chiusa
South Tyrol - Italy

Tel.: 0039 0472 847139
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E-mail: info@moarhof-gufidaun.it
Web: www.moarhof-gufidaun.it

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Image source, unless otherwise stated:

TV Klausen, IDM Südtirol: Frieder Blickle, Mario Entero, Thomas Grüner, Alessandro Trovati, Laurin Moser, Alex Filz, Helmuth Rier, Stefano Scatá, Clemens Zahn, Max Lautenschläger, Joachim Chwaszcza, Stefan Eisend, Ralf Kreuels, Thomas Zwyssig, Andree Kaiser, Therme Meranlickle

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trend media ohg des georg pircher & co.
leonharderstrasse 24
39042 St. Andrä/Brixen

Telephone: +39 0472 670508
Fax: +39 0472 670360
E-mail: info@trend-media.com
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Web: www.trend-media.com

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